Courses Search

Satellite seen from space

Space: The New Frontier of National Security

Wesley Wark

Space is increasingly recognized as a vital domain for global and national security. We depend on space assets for earth observation, for intelligence gathering, for military communications, for civil telecommunications and for navigational services. The fact that space is critical…

Canadian flag waves before parliment

A New National Security Strategy for Canada

Wesley Wark

The last Canadian national security strategy was published over 20 years ago. We now live in a vastly different geopolitical world, a world transformed by diverse and fast changing threats. The government has pledged to write and publish a new…

Closeup details of iceberg floating in the cold water of Antarctia

Arctic Security and Canada’s New Defence Policy

Wesley Wark

Canada’s new defence policy, issued in April 2024, promises to reorient Canada defence to protect Canada’s Arctic and to contribute to NATO collective security. We will examine the foundations of the new policy, the key promises made, the threat environment…

Phone with a green earth icon on it

Sustainable Finance and the Green Transition Toolbox

Olaf Weber

This course addresses current concepts of sustainable finance and their application. Sustainable finance is generally defined in a broader context of sustainability that integrates environmental as well as social and economic issues into financial decision making and includes climate finance,…

Woman seated with a red journal

Gender-Responsive Governance

Jenna Hennebry

Gender shapes and impacts the experiences of all individuals throughout all stages of societal development. It is only through gender-responsive approaches to governance, guided by a rights-based perspective, that policies and practices can recognize and address the specific needs, challenges…

Human and robotic hand shaking hands

Strategies for Good: Innovation in the Public Sector

Colleen Loomis

Most strategic plans include a commitment to ‘innovation’. However, few organizations are often prepared to actually ‘do’ innovation and a preference for the status quo can be difficult to overcome. This course presents key theories and concepts alongside real-world examples…

Charts studied by business people

Innovation policy making in an intangible economy: freedom to operate

James W. Hinton

In today’s innovation economy, most corporate value is in the form of intangible assets, particularly intellectual property (IP) and data assets. The IP rules that shape freedom to operate are created and dynamically modified by policy makers, domestically and globally….

person holding a compass in the mountains

Strategic Policy Leadership

Ann Fitz-Gerald

During a time when national governments, international organisations and planners worldwide are faced with managing large-scale institutional transformation required to remain relevant during these evolving global times, effective and visionary policy leadership is critical. This course addresses all critical aspects…


Intangibles: Financial Reporting and Valuation

Bruce McConomy, Sarin John

This short course focuses on financial reporting and the valuation of assets in an intangibles world, where intangibles comprise over 90% of the value of the S&P 500 Index. In this data-driven and digitalized era, the development of knowledge and…

Space station fanciful graphic

Intelligence and National Security

Wesley Wark

This professional course will examine key aspects of the modern practice of intelligence and security. The course instructor explores both a Canadian and an international perspective, drawing on historical examples and contemporary issues. The core objective of the course is…